AE3 Partners is a full service Architecture & Design firm now based in San Francisco with offices in Oakland, Los Angeles & Washington D.C. Their work ranges from large scale Commercial projects to Luxury Residential Homes and a whole lot in-between. The website was designed to showcase all of the firms projects as well as the good folks that do the good work that they do. The site is fully responsive and has a robust content management system (CMS) to handle a large portfolio spanning multiple categories.


AE3 Partners is a full service Architecture & Design firm now based in San Francisco with offices in Oakland, Los Angeles & Washington D.C. Their work ranges from large scale Commercial projects to Luxury Residential Homes and a whole lot in-between. The website was designed to showcase all of the firms projects as well as the good folks that do the good work that they do. The site is fully responsive and has a robust content management system (CMS) to handle a large portfolio spanning multiple categories.

Solutions offered:

Art Direction


Creative Direction

Graphic Design

Digital Media



Ohmbox Design is the multidisciplinary creative art and design studio of Eric Jones offering solutions for small business, individuals and brands.

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tel: (415) 378-4004

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