OHMBOX: What's In The Name?

Here is the dictionary definition of Ohmbox in it’s two parts:

ohm | ōm | noun

– the SI unit of electrical resistance, expressing the resistance in a circuit transmitting a current of one ampere when subjected to a potential difference of one volt.(Symbol: Ω)


ohmic |ˈōmik| adjective.

ohmically |ˈōmik(ə)lē| adverb


mid 19th cent.: named after G. S. Ohm (see Ohm, Georg) .

Ohm, Georg |ōm|

(1789–1854), German physicist; full name Georg Simon Ohm. The units ohm and mho are named after him, as is Ohm’s law on electricity.

The ohm (symbol: Ω) is the SI derived unit of electrical resistance, named after German physicist Georg Simon Ohm.

box 1 | bäks | noun

1 a container with a flat base and sides, typically square or rectangular and having a lid: a cereal box | a hat box.

• the contents of a box: she ate a whole box of chocolates that night.

• informal a casing containing a computer.

• (the box) informal, chiefly Brit. television or a television set: light entertainment shows on the box.

• informal a coffin: I always thought I’d be in a box when I finally left here.

• historical a coachman’s seat.

2 an area or space enclosed within straight lines, in particular:

• an area on a printed page that is to be filled in or that is set off by a border: a picture of Sandy was in the upper right-hand box.

• an area on a computer screen for user input or displaying information.

• (the box) (also the batter’s box) Baseball the rectangular area occupied by the batter.

• Baseball the rectangular area behind home plate for the catcher (catcher’s box), or those near first and third bases, in foul territory, for each base coach (coach’s box).

• (the box) Soccer the penalty area: he curled in a shot from the edge of the box.

3 a small structure or building for a specific purpose, in particular:

• a separate section or enclosed area within a larger building, especially one reserved for a group of people in a theater or sports ground or for witnesses or the jury in a law court: a box at the opera | the jury was now in the box.

• Brit. a small country house for use when hunting or fishing.

4 a protective casing for a piece of a mechanism.

• informal short for gearbox.

5 a mailbox at a post office, newspaper office, or other facility where a person may arrange to receive correspondence: write to me care of PO Box 112.

box 1 | bäks | verb [ with obj. ] 

(often as adj. boxed) put in or provide with a box: the books are sold as a boxed set | Muriel boxed up all of Christopher’s clothes.

• enclose (a piece of text) within printed lines: boxed sections in magazines.

• (box someone in) restrict the ability of someone to move freely: a van had double-parked alongside her car and totally boxed her in.


back through the box

Baseball (of a batted ball) hit in the direction of the pitcher past second base.

in a box

restricted or limited: he will find himself in a box on US policy.


(or in-the-box) packaged simply, cheaply, and conveniently: the Butler-in-a-Box is the gadget of your dreams.

(right) out of the box

informal used to refer to the immediate usability or functionality of a newly purchased product, typically an electronic device or a piece of software: most laptops come with wireless capability out of the box | console games need to be good to go right out of the box.

• chiefly US from the very beginning; immediately: his family memoir was a ratings smash right out of the box.

think outside (of) the box

think in an original or creative way: you have to give him credit for thinking outside the box.


box someone out

Basketball block an opponent from an area by the position of one’s body: Miller neglected to box out his man in the final seconds.


boxful |ˈbäksˌfo͝ol| noun.

boxlike |-ˌlīk| adjective


late Old English, probably from late Latin buxis, from Latin pyxis ‘boxwood box,’ from Greek puxos (see box3).

box 2 | bäks | verb [ no obj. ]

fight an opponent using one’s fists; compete in the sport of boxing: he boxed for England | [ with obj. ] : he had to box Bennett for the title.

noun [ in sing. ]

a slap with the hand on the side of a person’s head given as a punishment or in anger: she gave him a box on the ear.


box someone’s ears

slap someone on the side of the head as a punishment or in anger.


late Middle English (in the general sense ‘a blow’): of unknown origin.

box 3 | bäks | noun

1 (also box tree) a slow-growing European evergreen shrub or small tree with glossy dark green leaves. It is often grown as a hedge and for topiary. [Buxus sempervirens, family Buxaceae.]

• (also boxwood) the hard, heavy wood of the box tree, formerly widely used for engraving and for musical instruments.


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Send inquiries to: ejones@ohmbox.com
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